SUMMER LECTURE in 2019 for Nanoscience / Nanotechnology

募集要項(PDF) Application Guidebook
期 間 Dates |
*7月28日(日)、8月3日(土)、8月4日(日)を除く。 July 23 Tue. – August 5 Mon.(11days: No lecture on July 28 Sun, August 3 Sat, August 4 Sun. ) |
会 場 Venues |
筑波大学総合研究棟B、 大阪大学 吹田キャンパス・豊中キャンパス B0110, Laboratory of Advanced Research, University of Tsukuba, Suita Campus and Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University |
内 容 Content of Lecture |
(1)ナノテクノロジー特別講義Ⅰ,Advanced NanotechnologyⅠ
Prof. Masashi Watanabe(Dept. of Mater. Sci. & Eng., Lehigh University, USA) “Transmission Electron Microscopy-Fundamental Principle and Applications to Materials Science” Offered by Osaka. Please access the following web site to download the text of Prof. Masashi Watanabe.
(2)ナノテクノロジー特別講義Ⅱ,Advanced NanotechnologyⅡ Prof. Remco Havenith(Zernike Institute, University of Groningen) “Quantum Chemistry and its Application” Offered by Osaka. Prof. Etienne Gheeraert and Prof. Henri Mariette (Universitzerté Grenoble Aples and University of Tsukuba) “Semiconductor Physics and Engineering, Doping, Defect, Optical Properties” Offered by Tsukuba. Text Uploaded! * a more detailed document(Gheeraert) Chap.5 Mariette updated version New! ☆Scientific articles☆ (Please refer to the following 10 articles) ・Magneto-optical study of interface mixing in the CdTe-(Cd, Mn)Te system ・Profiles of the normal and inverted semiconductor interfaces: A Xeeman study in asymmetric ・Recent progress in Ga2O3 power devices ・Water adsorbate phases on ZnO and impact of vapor pressure on the equilibrium shape of nanoparticles ・Computing Equilibrium Shapes ofWurtzite Crystals: The Example of GaN ・Excitons and Biexciton Dynamics in Single CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Dots ・Creation efficiency of nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond ・Vacancy diffusion and coalescence in graphene directed by defect strain fields *Video diffusion Graphene(for group 7) |
対象者 Targeted Participants |
ナノサイエンス・ナノテクノロジーに興味を持つ大学院生及び社会人 ※所属大学指導教員等の推薦書があれば、大学4年生、高専専攻科2年生の参加を認めます。 Graduate students, young researchers and professionals interested in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Note: With a recommendation letter from your academic adviser, college seniors and final grade students of technical colleges can attend this course. |
募集人数 Number of Positions |
30名程度(原則として全日参加できる方) Around 30 people in each class (all-day attendance in principle) |
選考方法 Selection Process |
書類選考(応募多数の場合は大学院生を優先します。) ※申し込み締め切り後、参加の可否を連絡します。 Registration form screening: Graduate students have priority to apply in case of oversubscription. Note: After the application deadline, an email of participation confirmation will be sent to applicants. |
受講料 Tuition Fee |
無料 Free |
交通費・宿泊費 Travel Expenses |
補助あり※学生 This Program subsidizes part of the travel and accommodation expenses for students. |
単位修得について Acquire the credits |
大学院生は単位修得が可能です。 Graduate students can acquire the credits(1 credit each). 特別聴講学生の手続きはこちらA procedure as Exchange Students, click Here. |
主 催 Host |
筑波大学大学院数理物質科学研究科 大阪大学ナノサイエンスデザイン教育研究センター Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba Institute for NanoScience Design, Osaka University |
お申込み Application |
締切:2019年7月9日(火)※他大学単位希望生締切は別途募集要項参照 Deadline*: 9th, July, Tue. 2019 *Except for the students wish to attend as Exchange Student |
お問い合わせ Contact |
筑波大学 TIA推進室 E-mail:tia-edu★ ※★部分を@に変えてご連絡ください。 TIA Promotion Office, University of Tsukuba E-mail: tia-edu★ (Note: Change ★ to @) |